Questions from Ecology

Q: Ecologists are now challenged to study global ecology. The apparent role

Ecologists are now challenged to study global ecology. The apparent role played by humans in changing the global environment makes it imperative that we understand the workings of the earth as a globa...

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Q: What evidence is there that variation in atmospheric CO 2 concentration is

What evidence is there that variation in atmospheric CO 2 concentration is linked to variation in global temperatures? In recent years, the governments of most countries of the world have been working...

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Q: Darwin (1842) was the first to propose that fringing reefs

Darwin (1842) was the first to propose that fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and atolls are different stages in a developmental sequence that begins with a fringing reef and ends with an atoll. Outline...

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Q: How was the amount of food that Gause (1934) provided

How was the amount of food that Gause (1934) provided in his experiment on competition among paramecia related to carrying capacity? In Gause’s experiments on competition, P. aurelia excluded P. cauda...

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Q: In his experiments on competition between T. confusum and T.

In his experiments on competition between T. confusum and T. castaneum, Park (1954) found that one species usually excluded the other species but that the outcome depended upon physical conditions. In...

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Q: Discuss how mathematical theory, laboratory models, and field experiments have

Discuss how mathematical theory, laboratory models, and field experiments have contributed to our understanding of the ecology of competition. List the advantages and disadvantages of each approach....

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Q: Predation is one of the processes by which one organism exploits another

Predation is one of the processes by which one organism exploits another. Others are herbivory, parasitism, and disease. What distinguishes each of these processes, including predation, from the other...

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Q: How are manipulation of host behavior by spiny-headed worms and

How are manipulation of host behavior by spiny-headed worms and manipulation of plant growth by the rust Puccinia monoica the same? How are they different? The details of these parasitic interactions...

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Q: Predation by one flour beetle species on another can be used as

Predation by one flour beetle species on another can be used as a potent means of interference competition. However, the predatory strategy seems to fail consistently in the presence of the protozoan...

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Q: In chapter 14 we have seen how a herbivorous stream insect controls

In chapter 14 we have seen how a herbivorous stream insect controls the density of its food organisms, how a herbivorous moth larva and pathogenic microbes combine to control an introduced cactus popu...

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