Questions from Financial Markets

Q: Why is the long-run aggregate supply curve vertical? Why

Why is the long-run aggregate supply curve vertical? Why might the long-run aggregate supply curve move?

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Q: If the cost of doing business for producers increases, which of

If the cost of doing business for producers increases, which of the following occurs?

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Q: Bobby believes input markets, such as financial markets, are efficient

Bobby believes input markets, such as financial markets, are efficient. Use aggregate supply and aggregate demand to explain why this leads Bobby to believe economic slowdowns will “end themselves.”...

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Q: Johnny believes input markets, such as financial markets, are inefficient

Johnny believes input markets, such as financial markets, are inefficient. Use the aggregate supply and aggregate demand to explain why this leads Johnny to argue that government policy is needed to e...

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Q: If the economy is currently “overheating,” this means:

If the economy is currently “overheating,” this means:

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Q: The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 separated commercial banks, investment

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 separated commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies. Explain how the act was slowly chipped away at before it was finally phased out in 1999.

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Q: Ted argues that we should return to the “old days”

Ted argues that we should return to the “old days” when banks were forbidden from branching across state lines. Ted believes this will make banks safer because they will concentrate on one, narrowly d...

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Q: What did the Riegle-Neil Act of 1994 allow US banks

What did the Riegle-Neil Act of 1994 allow US banks to do?

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Q: What does it mean that the Federal Reserve is the “fiscal

What does it mean that the Federal Reserve is the “fiscal agent” of the US government?

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Q: Why is it that bank executives today may not want their banks

Why is it that bank executives today may not want their banks to hold sufficient levels of bank capital, even if doing so would make their banks more stable?

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