Definition of Exchange Rate

Exchange rate is a rate at which two currencies are exchanged in an open market. It is denominated in direct quotes or indirect quotes. In a direct quote, the domestic currency is the counter currency and the foreign currency is used as a base currency. A direct quote in the USA will be written like this; USD1.5/Euro. The reciprocal of the direct quote will be an indirect quote. Like in the above example Euro0.667/USD will be an indirect quote in the USA.


Exchange rates are available for current and future transactions. If you want to exchange two currencies right now, you will be given a spot exchange rate. If you want to exchange currencies in the future, let’s assume after three months, you can use a forward exchange rate.


The currencies can be exchanged through currency exchanges where exchange agents offer bid and ask rates for buying and selling the currencies. The difference between the bid and ask rate is called the bid-ask spread that is the transaction cost of exchanging two currencies.

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