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Q: Write a query to display the average number of days a book

Write a query to display the average number of days a book is kept during a checkout. (Figure P8.61) Figure P8.61 Average days kept

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Q: Write a query to display the patron ID, last name,

Write a query to display the patron ID, last name, number of times that patron has ever checked out a book, and the number of different books the patron has ever checked out. For example, if a given...

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Q: Write the query that will generate only the records that are unique

Write the query that will generate only the records that are unique to the CUSTOMER_2 table. (Figure P8.6) Figure P8.6 Customers unique to the CUSTOMER_2 table

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Q: Write a query to display the patron ID, first and last

Write a query to display the patron ID, first and last name of all patrons that have never checked out any book. Sort the result by patron last name then first name. (Figure P8.59) Figure P8.59 Patro...

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Q: Write the SQL code to find the average bonus percentage in the

Write the SQL code to find the average bonus percentage in the EMP_2 table you created in Problem 8. Details from Problem 8: CREATE TABLE EMP_2 ( EMP_NUM CHAR(3) NOT NULL UNIQUE, EMP_LNAME VARCHA...

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Q: Write a query to display the author ID, author last name

Write a query to display the author ID, author last name, book title, checkout date, and patron last name for all the books written by authors with the last name “Bruerâ€&...

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Q: Write a query to display the book number, title, and

Write a query to display the book number, title, and number of times each book has been checked out. Limit the results to books that have been checked out more than 5 times. Sort the results in desc...

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Q: Write a query to display the book number, title, and

Write a query to display the book number, title, and number of times each book has been checked out. Include books that have never been checked out. Sort the results in descending order by the number...

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Q: Write a query to display the book number, title, author

Write a query to display the book number, title, author last name, author first name, patron ID, last name, and patron type for all books currently checked out to a patron. Sort the results by book t...

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Q: Write a query to display the author ID, first and last

Write a query to display the author ID, first and last name, book number, and book title of all books in the subject “Cloud”. Sort the results by book title and th...

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